Signing Up:

If you have read the rules and like what you see, then send me an email at; with the details of your team, as per TEAM CREATION instructions below. Please put cricket tournament in the subject line to avoid automatic deletion.

Team Creation:

Ok, firstly you need to send information regarding your team to me, arrange like it this:

Team Name: Insert your team name here.

Ground: Insert your ground name here.

Manager: Insert your name here

Email: Insert the email, in which you want your results mailed to here.

Above is the basic information needed, but you will need to some more advanced information for setting up a team additional to above.


Name your squad, in order of batting like this. Just Put the player name and bat type, bowl type in the specific order below eg: Each team has the specific rating of players below this cannot be changed it provides, equality in squads for each team, thereby theoritical no clear team should dominate, but various conditions (pitch etc) may result in some teams to dominate, that is careful team selection for each match is vital.

1. M.Hayden, Left bat, Right off spin, 5 star batsman

2. 5 star batsman

3. 5 star batsman

4. 4 star batsman

5. 4 star batsman

6. 4 star batsman

7. 3 star batsman

8. 3 star batsman

9. Wicketkeeper

10. 4 star batsman, 3 star bowler

11. 3 star batsman, 4 star bowler

12. 4 star bowler

13. 4 star bowler

14. 5 star bowler

15. 5 star bowler


You must set your ground conditions, you can only change this at the beginning of each season.

Spin (1=doesnt suit spin, 4=spinners paradise)- 1 to 4

Medium(1=not for seamers, 4=for seamers)- 1 to 4

Fast (1=slow pitch, 4 =suits faster bowlers)-1 to 4

Pitch (1=slow outfield, 4=fast outfield)- 1 to 4

Bounce (1=low bounce, 4=high bounce)- 1 to 4


SCG,3 spin, 3 medium, 2 fast, 4 pitch, 2 bounce,

After you have completed the above, send it to me at I will reply with a confirmation, fixtures, financial news and a password to access your finance page. As well your contracts for each of your players, after this you may select your staff members. Each has contract of 30 days, and you cannot transfer any of your initial team until the 1st month is over. After that contracts are based on 15 and 30 days. That means after 15 days (if you have a player on a 15 day contract) ,you need to renew otherwise he becomes a free transfer.


For each match you are required to send in orders - if you dont the computer will play for you and select your bowlers and batting order etc. Which might result in a loss!.

So you must send in orders two days before the match is scheduled, it must be arranged in the following way. It is also possible to send in orders for two orders or a whole series (although this isnt recommended).

So to send in orders:

Subject: Date of match, a vs b orders

Team Name

Your eleven players in batting orders, with captain and wicketkeeper indicated as (C) and (wk) respectively.

Win toss = bat or bowl

Bat Aggression:

First 5 Overs - 1 to 5 (1 being defensive and 5 being aggressive), or if run rate is <5 then 5 aggr, or if run rate >5 then aggr 3. Or if wicket falls=3 then aggr=1 etc. Anything can be put here, but dont contradict yourself! Only two orders per period.

5-15 Overs -

15-30 Overs-

30-40 Overs-

40-50 Overs-

Bowling Aggresion:

First 5 Overs- 1 to 5 (1 being defensive and 5 being aggressive), or if runrate is >5 then 3 aggr etc.

5-15 Overs -

15-30 Overs-

30-40 Overs-

40-50 Overs-

Then tats it, and mail to

At the end of the each match the results will be up either mailed back to you or posted on the site!

Gud Luck and Have FUn.






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